RAP artwork by Olive Snell
Our Vision for reconciliation
Our vision for reconciliation is a society where Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians come together in mutual respect, understanding, and partnership.
We envision a future where the historical injustices and inequalities experienced by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples are acknowledged, addressed, and rectified.
Through genuine collaboration and meaningful engagement, and by integrating reconciliation principles into our core business, we aim to contribute to positive societal change, enhance our impact and foster a more just and inclusive society where First Nations cultures, knowledge, and perspectives are acknowledged and valued.
Read our Innovate (2024-2026) RAP here.
Read our Reflect RAP (2023-2024) here.
Thank you to our Reconciliation Working Group members:
Jenn Cowman, Communications & Marketing Manager, Strategic Grants
Chris Mills, Grants Strategist, Strategic Grants
Tess O’Reilly, Client Experience & Training Manager, Strategic Grants
Bianca Williams, Grants Strategist, Strategic Grants
Maria Watson-Trudgett, Independent First Nations Consultant. Maria will attend quarterly Reconciliation Working Group meetings.
The Reconciliation Working Group would also like to acknowledge Strategic Grants alumna Pasanna Mutha-Merennege for her contributions to our Innovate RAP.