Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) is Australia’s largest autism-specific service provider, with one of the biggest autism-specific school programs in the world. They work in partnership with people of all ages on the autism spectrum, and their families to deliver evidence-informed solutions that are person-centred, family-focused and customer driven. 

When Shahar joined the Aspect team more than seven years ago, the team were using several different platforms for grant-seeking, including Strategic Grants’ Grants Expertise Management System (GEMS) Portal. 

“GEMS is our one source of truth for finding grants.”

Shahar, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)

“One of the things we really love about GEMS is the continuous improvement of the product,” Shahar said. 

“It has developed so much in the past seven years and continues to develop. It very quickly became the only grants management platform we need. 

“It’s our one source of truth.” 

Making grant-seeking easy 

“GEMS has made grant-seeking easier for our entire organisation. I’m very confident that we are covering all grants relevant to our organisation with GEMS.” 

“I also like the fact that it’s updated from Strategic Grants’ end on a regular basis, and I can see that by getting the grant alert emails.” 

GEMS is a time saver 

Eliminating the need for other grants resources is one of the reasons Shahar and his team love using GEMS. 

“If we didn’t have GEMS, we would be forced to use multiple databases, spend a lot of time doing our own research and we wouldn’t be confident that we’d be accessing all relevant opportunities. 

“It’s easy to pull data from, is user friendly, and definitely saves us a lot of time and resources by having everything in one go-to place.” 

Wrap-around grants support 

Shahar says GEMS isn’t the only way Strategic Grants supports Aspect’s grant-seeking program. 

“We were recently successful for two grants totaling 13 million dollars in funding,” he explains. 

“Strategic Grants reviewed our applications. Not only were the reviews done in a timely manner, but they also raised some really great points.  

“We are quite happy with the way the review was done, and obviously thrilled with the outcome.” 

To donate to Aspect, visit their website.  

Schedule in your free GEMS demo here.