National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. 

The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.

In the spirit of NRW, which runs from 27 May – 3 June 2024, we are sharing funding opportunities with a specific focus on First Nations projects. 

We also encourage you to visit the Reconciliation Australia website to learn more about how you or your organisation can participate this year. There are many great event events happening across Australia and online.

As always, if you are considering applying for any of the opportunities below, read the guidelines carefully and ensure that your organisation meets all eligibility criteria. 

Funding opportunities 

Indigenous Land And Sea Corporation (ILSC) – Our Country Our Future 

ILSC offer a wide range of assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups seeking support for their projects including: direct funding for purchasing, managing and/or developing land or water-related interests; advice and capability support for property owners including information, knowledge and training to assist with project development and delivery; facilitation, advocacy and negotiation to develop partnerships, markets and other opportunities. 

Closing date: Our Country Our Future is flexible so you can apply anytime. 

More information:  

Western Australia – Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program 2024 

The Department of Communities, Western Australia is offering one-off grant funding for eligible organisations to develop Aboriginal and community-led family safety activities in their region, over a period of two years. The grant program supports activities that are designed to prevent or respond to family violence and that are aligned to the Aboriginal Family Safety Strategy 2022-2032. To be eligible applicants must be an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) and/or a not-for-profit registered Aboriginal business. 

Grant Range: $150,000 to $500,000 

Closing date: 2 July 2024 

More information:  

Arts Queensland – First Nations Commissioning Fund 

The Fund is focused on investing in opportunities that share First Nations stories and cultural knowledge and elevate awareness of Queensland’s exceptional First Nations arts and cultural products and experiences. The Fund Supports the development and presentation of new work and cultural programs by individual First Nations artists, arts workers collectives and organisations; strengthens skills development and provides new employment opportunities for First Nations artists and arts workers; grows a pipeline of high-quality First Nations arts, cultural products, and experiences. 

Grant range: Up to $150,000  

Closing date: The next round opens 1 July 2024 and closes 12 August 2024 

More information:

The Lowitja Institute – Major Research Grant Round 2024 

This grant opportunity specifically supports innovative and responsive community research led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations to improve the health and wellbeing of our mobs. The grants provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to transform their ideas into reality. This opportunity is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations only. 

Grant range: Up to $200,000 

Closing date 2 August 2024 

More information:  

Equity Trustees Charitable Foundation – Noongar Charitable Trust 

The Noongar Charitable Trust (NCT) was established to provide relief of poverty, sickness, suffering, destitution, misfortune and helplessness of the Noongar Community. The Trust aims to support projects run by Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations which offer a direct and noticeable benefit to the Noongar community. 

Grant range: $5,000 and above 

Closing date Applications are to be submitted and received by 11.59pm AWST on the following submission dates: 20 January, 20 April, 20 July and 20 October each year. 

More information:  

Northern Territory – Aboriginal Workforce Grants 

Funding is available to support in the delivery of Projects or activities that will result in more Aboriginal Territorians entering employment and developing their chosen careers within the workplace. The Program will assist Eligible Organisations to access funds to meet the costs of mentoring, workforce development and wrap around services. 

Closing date: Applications will be accepted all year round until all available funds are committed and/or expended. 

More information:  

Glencore Clermont Aboriginal Community Development Fund (ACDF) 

Glencore operates the Clermont Open Cut coal mine within the Project Area also known as the Clermont-Belyando Area Native Title Claim. The Clermont-Belyando Area Native Title Claim Group signed an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) in May 2008. This agreement established an ACDF that provides funds to support community driven projects that deliver positive, constructive, real and sustainable outcomes to the Aboriginal Community of Interest.  

Closing date: Applications for funding open on 1 January of each year and assessments will take place on a quarterly basis.   

More information:  

National Indigenous Australians Agency – New Jobs Trial Grant 

The New Jobs Program Trial (the trial) grant opportunity is delivered under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) Jobs, Land and Economy Program and will support up to 200 jobs in selected Community Development Program (CDP) regions that have limited job opportunities. The Trial is a key step towards replacing the CDP. Community organisations and local government in selected CDP regions will have the opportunity to develop local approaches to jobs. Key learnings will inform the new program that will replace CDP. 

Closing date: 30 October 2024 

More information:  

MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation – Aboriginal Community Development Fund (ACDF) 

The Fund was amongst the community benefits identified in 2005 as part of a Native Title Agreement with the Wonnarua People, as represented by Victor Perry. MACH welcomes the opportunity this Fund provides to make a meaningful contribution to the sustainability and well-being of Aboriginal communities in the Upper Hunter Valley. The ACDF seeks to support partnerships that target issues, needs and opportunities which are priorities for local Aboriginal communities in areas such as health; economic development; cultural and community development and education. 

Closing date: The Committee will consider completed applications at its meetings, which are scheduled to occur at least four times per year. 

More information:  

Northern Territory – Aboriginal Responsive Skilling Grants 

Funding for regional and remote communities to train workers for projects in the community. By the time you have finished the training, the participants will have the following: increased or improved work skills; better employment pathways or opportunities; nationally recognised qualifications. Participants must be Aboriginal Territorians who are at least 17 years old. This funding may cover the entire cost of training for people looking for work, or up to 50% of the cost for training existing workers. 

Closing date: Apply anytime 

More information:  

Blog post image shared with the consent of Hymba Yumba Independent School.

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