This article first appeared in Fundraising and Philanthropy.

Looking for grants and funding opportunities? Here are some funders with approaching deadlines.

Grant: Gambling Community Benefit Fund Round 116 – Super Round

Areas of support: Provides funding to community groups and not-for-profit organisations in Queensland to enhance their capacity to provide services, leisure activities and opportunities for Queensland communities. Funding applications are prioritised in the following order (with 1 being highest priority): (1) Items/facilities directly affected, damaged or destroyed by a declared natural disaster in the last 2 years; (2) Equipment or facility improvements; (3) Vehicles; (4) Community events, training, workshops, festivals, publications and website development; (5) Organisations that have received more than $15,000 from the GCBF over the past 2 years.

Application deadline: 28 February 2023
Location: QLD
Grant value: Up to $100,000
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Grant: Department of Business (NT) Community Benefit Fund Major Community Events Grants

Areas of support: Provides funding to conduct major community events for the benefit of Territorians. Applications that meets the following priorities will be given preference: Applications that are wide reaching and have a great deal of community involvement and support; Applications that support the growth of the NT and use local suppliers and contractors in the process of completing the grant.

Application deadline:  28 February 2023
Location: NT
Grant value: Amounts between $15,001 and $250,000 per year for up to three years (up to $450,000 total).
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Grant: NAB Foundation – Community Grants 2023 Round 1

Areas of support: To help safeguard communities by funding projects that prepare for natural disasters, support long-term recovery and build resilience against future disasters and climate change. Projects must aim to do one or more of the following: Readiness: help communities (people, environments, infrastructure) prepare for natural disasters; Recovery: help communities, landscapes and fauna rebuild and rehabilitate after natural disasters; Future-proofing: reduce the risk of future natural disasters by cutting a community’s carbon emissions.

Application deadline: 28 February 2023
Location: Australia
Grant value: Up to $10,000
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Grant: Aboriginal Benefits Foundation Trust Grants

Areas of support: Funding to assist Aboriginal communities and individuals by providing funds to support projects which advance the aims of the Foundation. Current focus on supporting art, literacy, education, health and cultural projects with a connection to Aboriginal art and/or artists.

Application deadline: 3 March 2023
Location: Australia
Grant value: $5,000 – $20,000 per year
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Grant: ACT Disability Inclusion Grants

Areas of support: For community groups, organisations and small businesses to apply for financial support, in the form of a one-off grant, to enable the organisation to become more inclusive and accessible to people with disability. This program aims to provide increased opportunities for people with disability to participate in mainstream community and or social groups. Proposals that: have a broad and deep impact on directly improving the inclusion of people with disability in the ACT community; enable groups to become more inclusive; support people with disability through assistive technology and infrastructure modifications.

Application deadline: 6 March 2023
Location: ACT
Grant value: Up to $20,000
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Grant: Mercy Foundation Social Justice Small Grants Program

Areas of support: Providing seed funding to assist communities and organisations to build capacity that will help create structural change and bring about greater social justice in Australia. Area of focus: Respect – Confronting Violence and Abuse.  Priority will be given to projects that address the growing epidemic of family and domestic violence, particularly where it concerns women and girls, and/or groups in the community that experience inequality, discrimination or marginalisation.

Application deadline: 13 March 2023
Location: Australia
Grant value: $1,000 to $10,000
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Grant: Tasmanian Community Fund – Education, Employment and Learning

Areas of support: The Tasmanian Community Fund’s education, employment and learning focus areas are currently: removing barriers to Tasmanians participating in education, employment and learning; increasing the wellbeing and resilience of children and young people; increasing functional literacy and numeracy (including financial literacy); increasing digital literacy and increasing availability of digital data and device access outside of school; decreasing the number of children commencing kindergarten with vulnerabilities; diverting from the justice system; addressing addictive behaviours.

Application deadline: 15 March 2023
Location: TAS
Grant value: $100,000 to $500,000
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Grant: Government of South Australia – Governance and Sustainability Grants 2023

Areas of support: The focus of this funding round is for eligible organisations working in community services to: build their governance and compliance capacity including to develop or strengthen partnerships or collaboration with other community organisations to improve sustainability and deliver common social impact objectives, and /or undertake upgrades to build organisational capacity and resilience that are both environmentally and organisationally sustainable.

Application deadline: 23 March 2022
Location: SA
Grant value: Up to $50,000
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Grant: The Ian Potter Foundation Fair – Community Wellbeing 2023 (EOI)

Areas of support: The Foundation’s support extends both to organisations that have demonstrated success and to those seeking to make well-considered innovations.  The Foundation favours programs that are preventative in nature and seek to address the root causes of disadvantage. Funding Objective: to improve circumstances for disadvantaged members of the community, this program area funds initiatives delivered by organisations supporting people with disabilities, or otherwise marginalised individuals primarily with the objective to secure employment pathways.

Application deadline: 30 March 2023
Grant value: Only considers grant applications in excess of $100,000
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Grant: The Campbell Edwards Trust

Areas of support: Assisting Australians-in-need through financial assistance to charitable organisations which have programs that grow the key areas: young people in need of education and other assistance; families undergoing conflict; those in need of basic human necessities such as food, shelter or clothing; Indigenous Australians suffering disadvantage; support and research services for community challenges; religious education.

Application deadline: 31March 2023
Location: Australia
Grant value: Maximum of $30,000 per year for up to three years. Preference is for $20,000 per year.
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