Last updated 18 March 2025.

We have compiled a list of grant funding assistance opportunities for those who have been impacted by ex-tropical Cyclone Alfred across Southeast Queensland and Northern New South Wales.  

It is important to note that not all these opportunities are directly for non-profit organisations — most are for individuals. As always, it is important that you check your eligibility and carefully read the guidelines before applying. Strategic Grants’ research team will continue to update funding opportunities as they arise.

We know that even after the storms are long gone, recovery can be lengthy, difficult, and on-going. If there is anything else the Strategic Grants team to do to support, you — doesn’t have to be grants related! — please reach out. There are also resources available for anyone needing to speak to a professional, e.g., Lifeline, Beyond Blue, 13 Yarn and Headspace, to name a few.  

Grant funding – Queensland  

RACQ Foundation Community Grant Program – Special Recovery Grant Tropical Cyclone Alfred and North Queensland Flood Event – closes 28 April

In response to Tropical Cyclone Alfred and North Queensland Flood Event, a special RACQ Foundation grant round of $500,000 has been opened. This grant provides funding to support recovery efforts. Applicants can apply for up to $25,000 or $50,000 in extreme circumstances.

The following organisations impacted by TC Alfred and North Queensland Flood Event are eligible to apply:

  • Queensland community groups and organisations (sporting clubs, historical and show societies, men’s sheds etc)
  • Charities that help Queenslanders
  • First Nations councils

Redland Foundation – Community and sporting organisations

The Redland Foundation is pleased to offer assistance to community and sporting organisations who have suffered from the effects of the recent cyclone and flooding event in Redland City. They will support:

  • Clean up and repair costs including reimbursement for costs to date
  • Community organisation hardship where such hardship is directly related to this disaster event
  • Support for volunteers offering their assistance to the cleanup effort, such as barbeque costs to maintain this effort.

If your organisation fits this criteria, please contact Shane on for further information.

Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment

A lump sum payment to help people affected by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred that started in March 2025. You have until 10 September 2025 to make a claim for the following areas:

  • Brisbane LGA
  • Gold Coast LGA
  • Logan LGA
  • Redland City LGA
  • Ipswich LGA
  • Moreton Bay LGA
  • Toowoomba LGA
  • Fraser Coast LGA– defined localities
  • Scenic Rim LGA – defined localities
  • Somerset LGA – defined localities
  • Lockyer Valley – defined localities
  • Sunshine Coast – defined localities

To get this payment, you must be all of the following:

  • an Australian resident or eligible under other residence rules
  • 16 or older, or under 16 and getting an eligible payment at the time of this disaster
  • adversely affected in a declared Local Government Area.

If you’re eligible you’ll get:

  • $1,000 per adult
  • $400 for each child younger than 16.

Sport and Recreation Disaster Recovery Program

Up to $5,000 in funding to assist in immediate clean-up efforts. This may include:

  • replacement of damaged equipment that directly relates to the re-establishment of activities (including office and canteen equipment)
  • payment of services and hire costs, and purchase of equipment and tools that assist in short term clean-up of facilities
  • reimbursement for the purchase of the above made from the date of the relevant disaster
  • funds for repairs and replacements when this amount is lower than the premium excess set by the insurance provider
  • excess coverage for insurance claims

Disaster Recovery Allowance – a short term payment to help you if Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred directly affects your income – any Local Government Area affected

replacement of damaged equipment that directly relates to the re-establishment of activities (including office and canteen equipment)

payment of services and hire costs, and purchase of equipment and tools that assist in short term clean-up of facilities

reimbursement for the purchase of the above made from the date of the relevant disaster

funds for repairs and replacements when this amount is lower than the premium excess set by the insurance provider

Queensland Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred, March 2025 –

To get this payment you must meet all of the following. You:

  • were 16 or older at the time of the disaster
  • are an Australian resident or meet other residence rules
  • work or live in a declared Local Government Area
  • lost some or all of your income as a direct result of the disaster
  • earn less than the average Australian weekly income in the 13 weeks after this income loss.
  • You don’t need to have lost all your income to be eligible for this payment.

You can get it for a maximum of 13 weeks. The government pays this from the date you started losing income as a direct result of this disaster.

Community Recovery Support 

Emergency Hardship Assistance  

The Emergency Hardship Assistance grant is for help with essential needs, food, medication, clothing and temporary accommodation. This grant may be available if you: 

  •  live in or are stranded in the affected area 
  • have experienced personal hardship and can’t meet your immediate essential needs. 

Grant amount:  $180 for individuals; up to $900 for families of 5 or more. 

Essential Household Contents Grant  

The Essential Household Contents Grant is to replace essential lost household contents, such as bed linen and white goods. This grant may be available if you:  

  • live in the affected area 
  • own the items that have been lost 
  • own or rent the affected residence 
  • are uninsured or unable to claim insurance 
  • meet the income limits. 

We will visit your home to assess the damage. We will need photographic evidence if items must be disposed of. Grant amount: $1,765 for individuals; up to $5,300 for couples or families. 

Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme (ESSRS)  

The Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme (ESSRS) is to help with safety inspections and repairs to reconnect essential services, e.g. gas, water, electricity and sewage. A grant payment may be available if you: 

  •  live in the affected area 
  • have had your essential services disconnected 
  • own and live in the affected residence 
  • are uninsured or unable to claim insurance 
  • meet the income limits. 

They will visit your home to assess the damage. 

Grant amount: Inspection costs—$200 for safety inspection for water, electricity, gas and sewage; $4,200 for repairs or replacement of these services. 

Structural Assistance Grant  

The Structural Assistance Grant is to help with structural repairs or contribution towards replacement of dwelling. This grant may be available if: 

  • you live in the affected area 
  • you own and live in the affected residence 
  • your home has become structurally unsafe to live in 
  • you are uninsured or unable to claim insurance 
  • you meet the income limits. 

They will visit your home to assess the damage. 

Grant amount: Uninsured, low income, owner-occupiers may receive up to a maximum of $80,000 to help repair your home to make it safe, secure and habitable. 

Essential Services Hardship Assistance grant (only active after 5 days without services)  

The Essential Services Hardship Assistance grant is for help with essential services such as, power, gas, water, and sewage. This grant may be available if: 

  •  you live in the affected area 
  • you have lost 1 or more essential services for more than 5 days and are experiencing personal hardship as a result 
  • your utility service provider/s confirm that you lost these essential services. 

Grant amount:  $150 for individuals; up to $750 for families of 5 or more. 

Grant funding: New South Wales  

Eligible areas for NSW Government assistance. The following local government areas are included in the Natural disaster declaration: 

  • Armidale 
  • Ballina Shire 
  • Bellingen Shire 
  • Byron Shire 
  • Clarence Valley 
  • Coffs Harbour 
  • Dungog Shire 
  • Glen Innes Severn  
  • Kempsey Shire 
  • Kyogle 
  • Lismore 
  • Lord Howe Island 
  • MidCoast 
  • Nambucca Valley 
  • Port Macquarie-Hastings 
  • Richmond Valley 
  • Tenterfield 
  • Tweed Shire 

Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment

A lump sum payment to help people affected by New South Wales Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred that started in March 2025.

You have until 11 September 2025 to make a claim for the following areas:

  • Ballina Local Government Area (LGA)
  • Byron LGA
  • Lillian Rock in Kyogle LGA
  • Lismore LGA
  • Tweed LGA
  • Yamba in Clarence Valley LGA.

Disaster Recovery Allowance – a short term payment to help you if Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred directly affects your income

New South Wales Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred, March 2025 –

To get this payment you must meet all of the following. You:

  • were 16 or older at the time of the disaster
  • are an Australian resident or meet other residence rules
  • work or live in a declared Local Government Area
  • lost some or all of your income as a direct result of the disaster
  • earn less than the average Australian weekly income in the 13 weeks after this income loss.
  • You don’t need to have lost all your income to be eligible for this payment.

You can get it for a maximum of 13 weeks. The government pays this from the date you started losing income as a direct result of this disaster.

Disaster Relief Grants  

Essential Household Goods – Under the Household Goods Grant, a maximum of $18,000 is available as a contribution toward the cost of re-establishing essential household items considered necessary to maintain a basic standard of living. 

There are 4 types of Structural Grants available (depending on the type of damage suffered by the eligible applicant):   

Repair Grant: A contribution towards essential structural repairs to a Residence (including a relocatable home) to assist in restoring it to a safe and habitable condition – grant amount is determined based on assessment of scope of works and threshold considerations.   

Rebuild Grant: A contribution towards the rebuild of a  residence (including a relocatable home) to a basic level that has been rendered uninhabitable – grant amount is determined based on assessment of scope of works and threshold considerations. 

Temporary Dwelling Grants: a Flat-rate Temporary Dwelling Package – flat rate of $5,000 for repairs and $10,000 if the temporary dwelling has been rendered uninhabitable.     

Access Grant: A contribution of up to $50,000 towards a basic level of repairs to legal accessways on private property where there are no safe alternate routes to the residence or temporary dwelling (and where the Accessway was maintained and fit for purpose prior to the natural disaster).   

Other links and information 

National Australia Bank customers  

NAB has opened applications for $1000 Disaster Relief Grants to customers severely impacted by disasters.