Looking for the latest sector news? Catch up on what’s happening across the world of funding, philanthropy, and research with the latest updates from Team SG’s busy research team.
The research team at Strategic Grants spend hundreds of hours each month reviewing newsletters, funder sites, LinkedIn and many other resources to find funding and grants to update in our Grants Expertise Management System (GEMS), ensuring our clients have a strong pipeline of funding prospects that align with their funding priorities.
We also share relevant articles with the rest of Team SG as our commitment to keeping up-to-date with what’s happening across the sector here at home in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, and across the globe.
Here’s a round-up of what we’ve been reading lately, in our latest sector news blog.
Latest sector news
Disaster legal toolkit
In Australia we know that there are many disasters that impact our way of life. This legal tookit helps not for profits understand their obligations in relation to this.
Read more: https://www.nfplaw.org.au/disasters
A delicate balancing act: The ethics of accepting grants from funders with conflicting values
While Strategic Grants has several resources available on this topic, hearing it from others’ perspectives helps to reinforce what organisations should be looking for. There are often discrepancies between a charity’s mission and a funder’s source of income.
Read more: https://not-for-profit.org.nz/a-delicate-balancing-act-the-ethics-of-accepting-grants-from-funders-with-conflicting-values/ and https://www.strategicgrants.com.au/2024/07/17/due-diligence/
Historic DGR reform for community foundations now legislated
Changes to legislation and taxation do not occur too often and this change is welcomed by many in the sector. This allows community foundations, who provide funding to other charities rather than providing services themselves, to offer tax deductibility which should encourage more donations to local region based charities.
Read more: https://www.cfaustralia.org.au/news/historic-dgr-reform-for-community-foundations-now-legislated and https://www.philanthropy.org.au/news-and-stories/dgr-tax-reforms-to-bring-new-era-for-community-foundations
After three years of study, the transformative effects of MacKenzie Scott’s big gifts are clear
Research into what happens when large, transformative gifts are given to organisations has been conducted, and the results overwhelmingly show they are positive.
Some of the results are:
- leading to greater financial strength and documented program results,
- increased confidence and,
- reduced burnout of leaders.
However there are some funders that have expressed concerns which Scott addresses.
Read more: https://cep.org/blog/after-three-years-of-study-the-transformative-effect-of-mackenzie-scotts-big-gifts-are-clear and https://cep.org/blog/context-matters-funder-perspectives-on-mackenzie-scotts-philanthropy
Not-for-profit blueprint needs broad support to work
We have reported on the blueprint in previous blog editions, but there are ongoing conversations and articles relating to how this should be implemented.
Read more: https://www.communitydirectors.com.au/articles/not-for-profit-blueprint-needs-broad-support-to-work
Cost of living, elections and collaboration highlighted in 2025’s Better Philanthropy Telescope
Philanthropy Australia’s survey, with 120 respondents, identified 10 key themes. These themes point to a strong desire for deeper collaboration, shared power and a better understanding of the true impact of giving.
- Collaboration across the sector and beyond
- Peer learning and sharing
- Impact of changing political context
- DGR reform
- Understanding and communicating impact
- Impactful giving
- Improving practice
- Trust-based philanthropy and shared power
- Growing giving
- Leadership
Read more: https://www.philanthropy.org.au/news-and-stories/cost-of-living-elections-and-collaboration-highlighted-in-2025s-better-philanthropy-telescope and https://www.philanthropy.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Better-Philanthropy-Telescope-report-2024-1-2.pdf
Upcoming sector professional development events & opportunities
6 May HomeMade x Strategic Grants Masterclass series
More information and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/homemade-x-strategic-grants-masterclasses-tickets-1285688010449?aff=oddtdtcreator
19 May – 6 June 2025 Benefolk Income Summit, supported by Strategic Grants
More information and tickets: https://events.humanitix.com/benefolk-income-summit-2025 Use code SG30 for 30% off your ticket price!
Strategic Grants’ Best Practice Grant-Seeker Workshops
Various dates and locations, more information and tickets: https://www.strategicgrants.com.au/events/
Strategic Grants has the most comprehensive funding data and funding insights in Australia and NZ collated since 2009—a sustainable and ever-growing resource that can help inform and enable collaboration and decision making to improve community outcomes for all. Find out more about GEMS (Grants Expertise Management System) here.